300 Burners attended the 2006 Arizona Regional Burn. The participants included 18 Rangers and 13 Lamplighters. Daytime temperatures were moderate and windy. Nights were very cold. A colorful variety of heavy robes and long coats were popular evening costuming for most of the veteran Toast burners. A variety of flame effect devices lit up the evenings. Food and drink was shared by all the participants and the Lamplighters led a procession around the center of camp as they hung lanterns on simple metal spires.
Toast 2006 Photos
ToastMan was 20’ tall.
Shadow Dancer
Kate’s House of Obscene Pancakes holds a reserved camp
Cadillac Chris grills tri-tip steaks for the camp
The community Toaster Oven kept participants warm.
Art Car
Small Scale Art
PeterToter artwork
One of several flame-effect machines at the event
Dutch-oven brownies shared with participants
2 of the 13 Lamplighters who illuminated ToastTown
A single firefighter was backed up by a 200 gallon fire truck.
Mooping after the burn.
PortaPotties were numerous and clean.
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